Private Interface CheatSheet

Read only interface exported out of Facade

A read-only object, Point, to be exported out of a Facade:

public interface Point {
      int getX();
      int getY();
public interface Facade {
      Point getPoint();

Usage is then ala

int x = myFacade.getPoint().getX();

Note that users of Facade can never mutate the point. It’s state is encapsulated.

Private interface internal behind-the-Facade manipulation

A Strategy delegate behind the Facade needs to translate the Point (move delta in x,y direction). Provide access via a role interface, more specifically a private interface that provides a mutator method which allows translation only:

public interface TranslatablePoint {
      void translation(int dx, int dy);
public interface PointStrategy() {
      void doSomethingToPoint(TranslatablePoint p);

Then, we can create an implementation class for a point like

public class StandardPoint implements Point, TranslatablePoint {
      [all three methods implemented here]
public class MyFacade implements Facade {
      StandardPoint point;
      Point getPoint() { return point; }

Now, an implementation like

public class Strategy1 implements PointStrategy {
      void doSomethingToPoint(TranslatablePoint p) {
        p.translation(+3, +7);

can be called from with the Facade like


as the declared ‘point’ implements the TranslatablePoint.

Issue: Missing accessor methods

However, an implementation of PointStrategy cannot access (x,y) of the point, as these accessor methods are not part of the TranslatablePoint interface.

Solution 1: Add the relevant accessor methods

This can be remedied by simply adding the relevant accessor methods:

public interface TranslatablePoint {
      int getX();
      int getY();
      void translation(int dx, int dy);

Note that StandardPoint implements two interface, each declaring that it must implement, say, int getX(). But as it does so, this is no problem.

Delegates that are provided an instance of TranslatablePoint can thus both access (x,y) and translate the point.

Benefit: You Program to an Interface - you can change the internal implementing class to something else than StandardPoint without changing the strategies. You can specifically define which fields of the object to get access to. Liability: Duplication of method declarations in multiple places.

Solution 2: Lazy approach by extending original interface

Often, if the original interface is a read-only interface, you can provide the access just by extending the interface:

public interface TranslatablePoint extends Point {
      void translation(int dx, int dy);

In our case, the result is the same as in the above solution.

In case you basically just have the read-only interface and an internal mutable interface you can beneficially Program to an Interface in the Facade as well, ala

public class MyFacade implements Facade {
      TranslatablePoint point;
      Point getPoint() { return point; }

Now, the actual implementing class can be substited or dependency injected in the Facade without any reliance on the concrete class.

Benefit: You Program to an Interface - you can change the internal implementing class to something else than StandardPoint without changing the strategies. Less typing, access to all accessor methods.

Liability: Less control of what gets accessed.

Private interface for Other behind-the-Facade manipulations

A point can also be rotated a certain angle around origo. Of course you can also make a special role for that:

public interface RotablePoint {
      void rotateOrigo(int degrees);
public class StandardPoint
      implements Point, TranslatablePoint, RotablePoint {
      [all four methods implemented here]


Note this is the Interface Segregation Principle: Being specific about what operations a given delegate can do on the point, by declaring the method of the given fine-grained role interface.

Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Aarhus University, August, 2023