SWEA 2023 Weekplan 5

The learning goals for Week 39 are:

Mon: State Pattern. Wed: Test Doubles. Abstract Factory.



Notes for this weekplan:

Due to illness, both lectures were unfortunately cancelled. They were replace by last years panopto videos
  1. State
  2. Test doubles + Abstract Factory

Additional exercises:

11.4 11.5 12.5 13.6

Exam Rehearsal

Rehearse a variability exam situation using an exercise in the example exam question set: demo-question-final-2022.pdf.

Next, do a 10 minute presentation at the whiteboard in front of your team.

The team provides constructive feedback on the presentation: Is your presentation clear and understandable, do you discuss the concepts and terms correctly, is you Java example code correct, etc. Swap and ensure all in the team gets a chance to rehearse the situation.

Mock libraries: Mockito

Mock objects ("mocks") are autogenerated test doubles and may speed up TDD substantially in case you have a lot of indirect input or output. One library is Mockito, see Vogel's tutorial.

As an example (described in FRS §12.6.2), the code below shows how a chemical plant temperature control system (Unit Under Test is "plantMonitor.regulateTemperature()" can be tested using Mockito mock objects for the temperature sensor and the cooling system:

public class TestTemperatureRegulation {
  private PlantMonitor plantMonitor;
  private TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor;
  private CoolingSystem coolingSystem;

  public void setup() {
    temperatureSensor = mock(TemperatureSensor.class);
    coolingSystem = mock(CoolingSystem.class);
    plantMonitor = new StandardPlantMonitor(temperatureSensor, 

  public void shouldTurnOnCoolingAbove67degrees() {
    // Given a temperature sensor which returns 67.2
    // When the monitor needs to regulate the temperature
    // Then cooling is commanded to turn on cooling

Download the mockito zip file to see the code and test it. (It is equivalent to the contents in the www.baerbak.com FRS source code zip file.)

Legend: The typography bold, normal, (brackets), above indicate my perception of how important the exercises are from high to optional. However, solve the mandatory project first!