SWEA 2023 Weekplan 6

The learning goals for Week 40 are:

Mon: Theory of roles, responsibility, and protocol. Interface Segregation Principle. (Screencasted only.) Wed: Principles of compositional design. Multi-dimensional variance. (Screencasted only.)



Notes for this weekplan:

Due to illness, the lectures are screencasts only.

Additional exercises:

16.5 17.5 18.4 19.6

Rehearse a test stub exam situation using an exercise in the example exam question set: demo-question-final-2022.pdf.

Next, do a 10 minute presentation at the whiteboard in front of your team.

The team provides constructive feedback on the presentation: Is your presentation clear and understandable, do you discuss the concepts and terms correctly, is you Java example code correct, etc. Swap and ensure all in the team gets a chance to rehearse the situation.

Legend: The typography bold, normal, (brackets), above indicate my perception of how important the exercises are from high to optional. However, solve the mandatory project first!